
Statutory Information

The documents below are those required by the DfE to be published on the website.

Year 7 Applications for September Entry

To apply to NUAST for a place in Year 7 you will need to go online and submit your application through the Nottingham City Council application system (To apply through other local authorities use the links below). Applications for Year 7 entry cannot be made directly to NUAST.

Nottingham City Council Applications

Nottingham City Council generally consider applications after the 31st October to be 'late', however NUAST does not consider any application late. Early applications are advised, particularly with the school growing and this also means you will receive a response from Nottingham City Council more quickly.

If you apply to NUAST before the October deadline, you can expect to receive a confirmation from Nottingham City Council before the Easter holiday. Applications received from November onwards will be dealt with in the Spring and Summer term.

Upon receiving confirmation from Nottingham City Council that your child has been offered a place, it is important that you confirm the offer with them directly by calling 0115 841 5568 or emailing

Other Local Authority Links

Nottingham City

‘In-year’ Applications

Please ensure that all applications are made directly to Nottingham City Council as described above.

Year 12 Applications

Please apply for a place at NUAST for September entry using the online form.

Entry requirements:

To study at Level 3, you will need a Grade 6 in at least five GCSE subjects, with a minimum of Grade 4 in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics.

To study A-Level Mathematics you will need at least a Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics, and a Grade 8 to study Further Mathematics.

You can download our Admissions Policy here.


How do I make an appeal for a place at NUAST?

If a place has been refused for your child at NUAST and you wish to appeal against this decision, you can appeal online or in writing. NUAST use the Nottingham City Council Appeals service as its appeals provider. Information on how to appeal can be found via:-

For appeals during the admissions round (to start Year 7 in September), you should return your completed form to Nottingham City Council by 31 March.

Secondary appeals timetable

Offer Date: 1 March

Deadline for lodging appeals: 31 March

Deadline for hearing on-time appeals: TBC

Appeals relating to late applications

If your application was made after 31 October (closing date for receipt of applications for secondary school places) appeals will, where possible, be heard by June. Where it is not possible to hear the appeal by June, it will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal being lodged.

In-year and transfer appeals

For other appeals such as transfer and in-year admissions please return your form to Nottingham City Council within four weeks of the date of your refusal letter. These appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

How much notice of the appeal hearing date will I have?

Letters notifying parents of appeal dates and times are sent out in line with statutory guidance. These letters will be sent out at least 10 school days in advance of the hearing (unless you have agreed to a shorter period than this). If you lodge appeals for more than one school, you will get a separate hearing for each appeal, which could be some weeks apart.

If you wish to submit any further information other than that which you included with your appeal form, we ask that this is sent to Nottingham City Council no later than five days prior to your hearing. This is to enable the additional information to be circulated to all parties, giving the Panel and school the opportunity to consider the information in advance of the hearing. Please note that if significant information is received after this deadline your hearing may have to be adjourned to a later date.

Decision letters are set out within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.

February 2025


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