Head's Message

I am delighted to introduce you to NUAST and welcome you as our Headteacher.

NUAST is a unique school which serves the community of Nottingham. Our aim is to inspire our young people to be their very best and go on to achieve beyond what they thought possible. Our students value that our school is different. We have a broad curriculum however we specialise in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and have industry standard facilities in these areas. We have a large "outstanding" sixth form which prepares and equips our young adults for successful futures. Our school community is diverse and underpinned by mutual respect. We celebrate the range of backgrounds and cultures and respect each other.

We strongly believe that we fully equipped our learners to successfully compete for places in Higher/Further Education or in the increasingly competitive job market with the skills and personal qualities that we develop in them. Our students are articulate and have strong characters, these are traits that we encourage starting when they begin their transition to us in Year 6.

Our careers programme is different from the norm. From Year 7 we inspire our young people to think about their futures and they engage with well-known employers, inspirational speakers and a range of universities, including the University of Nottingham right from the start of their journey with us.

I hope that you can get a flavour of our school from browsing our website, should you have any questions, please contact our reception staff who will be delighted to help.

Kind Regards

Dave Thompson

February 2025


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